I sometimes get stuck in analysis paralysis. Not a consequential realization, but how it happens is definitely interesting. For me, that uncertainty looks like a cycle of epiphanies.

This means that I am regularly having grand moments of realization - about myself or the world around me. These moments themselves are extremely satisfying because it creates a feeling of accomplishment. They make me feel like I’ve found the missing piece in the puzzle that helps me make sense of a certain situation. But as soon as they pass, I realize there is another missing piece. That feeling of accomplishment fades quickly, and the analysis-paralysis continues until the next epiphany.

It’s now happened enough that I can detect and snap out of it. This usually involves making real forward progress on whatever it is that I’m worried about - making a decision or trying something new. Or really anything else that creates real world learning.

Not to say that I don’t enjoy those moments of epiphany. But just like anything else, it’s easy to have too much of a good thing. This tweet captures the sentiment well:

Epiphanies are not valued for the thing being realized. But for the excitement for having realized them. Both are short-lived.