I’m ending a paternity leave soon and made my way back into the office today. I’m going to write more on this topic soon, but putting some rough thoughts together.

  • More dads should do this. Sure, my situation was different with twins, and not everyone can do it. But for those that have the means - I’d recommend it.
  • You’ll learn more about yourself than you could have imagined.
  • Parenting is a forcing function to reset your habits. Every minute of your day will be reevaluated. You can choose to let this run you over, or use it in your favor and develop better, healthier habits.
  • Take all the help you can get. We have twin daughters, so this is more important to us.
  • Turn off. Make home your job. Approach it with the same rigor you would approach work.
  • Ease back in. Going from not working to working 5 days a week is a recipe for disaster.
  • Take more video. Your babies will not make the same sounds growing up. Pictures won’t cut it.

That’s all for now, but I’ll come back to this topic later.