This blog is completely open source. It is based on the Jekyll library, which helps people create static sites, and is hosted on Github Pages.


  • Hosting it myself gives me complete control of the format and content. Maintenance is fairly easy despite the extra steps. This is just a static site so I’m just editing Markdown files. Jekyll has great integration with Github and an active community to help with any issues.
  • I like the development workflow for writing. Git let’s me track changes in an extremely detailed way. All my edits are available for anyone to see, which creates a strange sense of vulnerability and accountability.

Everything here is boilerplate Jekyll. A few small modifications:

  • I’ve slightly modified the default theme (Minima), and changes can be seen in commits in the _layouts, _sass and _includes directories in the repo. Update: I’m now using a modified version of the Primer theme instead of Minima.
  • The blog lives in a subdirectory based on instructions from this article).
  • I’m using draft posts in the way described by this simple solution (drafts are enabled in Jekyll natively through the _drafts folder, but I like this solution bettter.)
  • URL structure updated so it doesn’t include categories (see permalink in _config.yml)
  • Tags display will be added soon (I like this approach).